terror attack

美 [ˈterər əˈtæk]英 [ˈterə(r) əˈtæk]
  • 恐怖主义袭击
terror attackterror attack
  1. Discussion on Risk Analysis for Terror Attack on Facility


  2. A Case Study on Mitigating the Risk of Terror Attack


  3. The Medical Defense Against Chemical Terror Attack in City


  4. Terror attack and strategy of emergency medical support


  5. Within the world , international economy has became more and more serious since the " 9.11 " terror attack .


  6. She said the is accused of an attempted terror attack and attempted murder .


  7. Terror attack , a social menace of mankind , has spread and become more violent worldwide in recent years .


  8. Official 's saying it is the deadliest terror attack ever in the city of Peshawar .


  9. Before the September 11th attacks , the Oklahoma City bombing was the deadliest terror attack on the American soil .


  10. After receiving reports of a possible terror attack , the United States has closed its Consulate in the Indian city of bombay .


  11. Thousands were on hand in New York for the reading of the names of nearly 3000 victims killed in the worst terror attack in US history .


  12. Indian government officials are lamenting the lack of a formal response from Pakistan since the Mumbai terror attack , at the end of last November .


  13. The two top officials of the state in which Mumbai is located appear to be on their way out , in wake of last week 's terror attack .


  14. The unpopular Shivraj Patil is the first political casualty in the wake of the unprecedented terror attack on the country 's commercial capital .


  15. Much of Europe remains tense and on high alert as Belgium 's justice minister says the alleged mastermind in last week 's foiled terror attack remains at large .


  16. The king and queen of Norway , the prime minister , and some survivors of Friday 's terror attack attended a memorial service at Oslo Cathedral .


  17. This paper designs a remote disaster tolerance system scheme in principle to ensure satellite TT & C application center , and the center could quickly recover the basic functions from unexpected disasters or terror attack .


  18. India 's government is expressing optimism that the United Nations will respond favorably to its request to outlaw a Pakistani group linked to the recent terror attack on Mumbai .


  19. Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta , speaking in a nationally televised address today , said that at least 68 people were killed and at least 175 others were injured in the terror attack .


  20. Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport has made full body scanners mandatory for US-bound passengers in a decision that will put pressure on other airports to adopt similar security measures in the wake of the foiled US terror attack .


  21. The study on public security system of the city includes seven respects , danger - ous source of urban industry , city public place , city public infrastructure , urban natural calamity , urban road traffic , city happen suddenly public health event and terror attack and destroy .


  22. The potential risks of bridges subjected to terror blast attack are increasing , but there are few studies on bridges against blast .
